Our Story

Welcome to the Amatì Design Hotel 

The Amatì Design Hotel is not rooted in old family traditions or in the restoration of historic buildings with their own personal past.

The hotel is simply the vision of a family of travellers, quite used to close the home door behind themselves and to open a new one on another destination, hoping to find that characteristic warmth and serenity that only the walls of one’s own home can offer.

It was thus that the hotel was conceived, with the idea of translating images into emotions and warmth, because the picture of a room should not only communicate beauty and design, but should also capture all those individual details that we are seeking.

Amatì Design Hotel is like being enveloped by the scent of home; it is the tranquillity that pervades when listening to a symphony, the smile of a welcome, or the joy of an early morning, feeling close to what we love, even from kilometres away.

Our story is deeply rooted in the memories we leave with every guest, the feelings crystallised in their accounts, in their memory.


It is our ability to reach our guests’ heart… Welcome to the Amatì Design Hotel




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